Contact Us

Contact the Conversations about L.I.F.E. Team
If you are interested in learning more about how to facilitate or implement the Conversations about L.I.F.E. program, or if you have any additional questions or comments, please contact our team. Request an Online Presentation for Your Parish or Diocese
Request a Presentation for Your Parish or Diocese
Our goal is to make safe environment and loving relationship education accessible to all parishes and faith formation systems. If you are interested in implementing the program, but would like a formal presentation of the materials for your school, parish, organization, or diocese, please contact us. Dr. Kathie Amidei and Sister Kieran Sawyer are available for online presentations and teleconferences to help guide your decision making!
Contact Information
Send your email to:
Paul Canavese:
Sister Kieran Sawyer: sawyerk@tymeout.org
Or if you prefer a Spanish speaking contact:
Maira Liz Davalos :