Conversations about L.I.F.E. is a time-tested resource, developed and improved over years of parish use. But don't take our word for it. Read what leaders, parents, and children have to say from their experience with the program.

For years the Church has been telling me that I’m supposed to help parents talk to their own kids about sex, but no one has showed me how to do that. The L.I.F.E. program shows me HOW.—Parish Director of Religious Education

I got more positive feedback after the L.I.F.E. Program than any other offering. This worked for any parent with any child. The materials were easy to use and engaged the attendees. Thank you for creating a program that involves parents and that calls us to recognize loving relationships in our lives.—Parish Director of Religious Education

Our son talked. He never really talks to us... but he talked!—Mother of L.I.F.E. attendee

One parent-child session a year for each grade level. I can do that.—Primary grade teacher

It was helpful to start difficult discussions and difficult topics. My daughter found it helpful and enjoyed the specific examples.—Mother

We liked talking about this topic together during this dedicated time. We don’t always make time to talk about the importance of this. Thanks for facilitating the discussion.—Mother

It was helpful to speak one on one about a topic that we sometimes take for granted.—Father

This was helpful! This was a great opportunity to facilitate conversation about school dynamics/relationships and how to treat each other with respect and kindness.— Mother & daughter

Nice to talk about being open and remind kids to come talk to us. My daughters liked sharing their own opinions.—Mother

The session identified different types of abuse. We liked the scenarios. My son says he now knows what to do in bullying situations.—Father

Helpful in giving language and conversation points to talk about topics that aren’t always easy to address.—Mother

We found the session helpful. Good reminder about dangers. Bullying is very prevalent, so it was nice to take the time to talk about that topic since it happens every day in the grade schools.—Mother

I felt this was helpful to open the conversation with my daughter. Allowed me to explain what is okay and what is not okay in certain situations. It also helped her understand further what to do. I believe giving her a better understanding allows her to know when to take action. I also am thankful to be able to share this conversation /moment with her—Father

Helpful in describing the different forms of abuse and talking about respect and bullying. My son said it was helpful to understand how to stay away from abusers.—Mother

It was helpful, by talking about what was wrong—physically, emotionally, sexually. This was good, we wouldn’t change anything.—Father & son

Opened up conversations we’ve talked about before but always great to keep the conversation open always, especially in the church community. My daughter thought it was helpful and informative in knowing what to do if she encounters one of these situations. The cases used were great.—Mother

Good conversations not otherwise had. Great insight and respect on abuse. Brought mindfulness to topics. Would love more conversations regarding infatuation given the beginning “love interest/relationships” in middle school.—Mother

This was helpful because it made me more aware of how I treat people. It also let us know things to watch for if we were not being respected—Child

An excellent reminder of a conversation needed in every family. Please keep up the wonderful work you are doing!—Grandfather

It was important for me to become comfortable with this topic and being able to trust that I know how to stay safe.—Youth

I think it was important to show the different types of relationships and their impact on you and others. Also, it was important to specify the relationships you have.—Youth

I learned new things, and when I may be in a bad situation, I will have God and my knowledge to help me through hard times.—Youth

I learned what age my mom is comfortable for me to date.—Youth

I remembered that my parents will always love me forever. I guess I forget that, even though they show their love for me every day.—Youth

I thought this was very useful to facilitate a conversation that I was less than prepared to have, but appreciated.—Parent

I loved it! I loved the entire thing, and it has sparked ideas for further conversations. Thank you!—Parent

I liked the opportunity to talk to my spouse first, and then our child.—Parent